Usually as the Holidays approach I feel a deep sense of longing. I miss my boys extra during the time of year we draw our loved ones close around us and celebrate the Savior's birth. It is usually harder the first Christmas after losing a baby. This year I was particularly scared of December 6th happening right in the Holiday season. Birthdays cause us to remember, and ponder, and well, we all know how short Jonah's story is.
Since I knew it was coming I took a proactive approach. I hung the stockings with care and trimmed the tree in NOVEMBER (a first for me) so when the 'bah-humbug' hit, at least the house could lend some cheer. So with everything in place, I braced myself and waited...
But to my astonishment as December 6th drew closer, I found my excitement mounting. The familiar JOY of JONAH filled up that longing and overflowed into something magical. And today may indeed be my best day yet.
For scriptures this morning we talked about Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life. We discussed what the fruit was and how we partake of it. And how Lehi's first response was not to hog all the precious fruit for himself, but to SHARE IT.
I made my family green smiley face bouncy ball necklaces. I challenged them to: 1. Find the Joy. 2. Share it. 3. Find and make a guess of how many green smiley faces there are throughout the house. 4. Make a guess of how many bouncy balls there are.
I'll have to write the highlights of the day later. But I must say its shaping up to be a day of Joy.
Thank you Jonah, Happy Birthday. I'll love you forever.