They held a Memorial for the many families they have served over the years. We gathered at the Pioneer Infant Cemetery at 'This is the Place' Heritage Park in Salt Lake City.
There was beautiful music written and sung by Angel Watch fathers, accompanied by an Angel Watch mother on the violin. It was perfect.
And then because grief can be turned into something beautiful, we planted 300 daffodil bulbs along the fence to the cemetery.
And now, from the cemetery, it was another reminder that life goes on. The valley is still thriving and growing oblivious to the heartache of a few gathered on the hill. Oblivious to the triumph of a few gathered on the hill. Until you have had to live it, no one can understand the journey to recovering from the loss of a child.
People have asked how we can continue to have children. Once you have had to give a child back to God, what is there left to fear? If He can heal me from that, I can trust Him in all things.
I don't readily admit this, but it almost broke me when we lost Jacob seven and a half years ago. I had to fight the bitterness for a long time. It was tempting to stay bitter forever. I was completely unaware of my kids' grieving because I was so wrapped up in my own. Then one day I saw my bitterness come out and bite my younger brother in a conversation we had-and I realized it just wouldn't do. My kid brother deserved better than that-my kids deserved better than that. So for my children I began the long trip out of the darkness and back into the light. As painful as it was to start that journey because I was still angry and bitter and wasn't ready to let it all go, I learned that it is also the only way for the pain to be lifted. Each step towards the Savior eased my suffering and softened the anger and hurt. It took many hours on my knees. I had to let go of my pride. But once I did, I became free. Free is a good place to be. He picked up all my broken pieces and put me back together in a much better and stronger way.
People have asked how we can continue to have children. Once you have had to give a child back to God, what is there left to fear? If He can heal me from that, I can trust Him in all things.
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me... my cup runneth over." Psalms 23:4
As I remember, I do sometimes choose to remember the pain. I allow myself to feel it, deep all the way down to my soul. To pretend that pain doesn't exist would be unhuman (not sure its a word, should be). My boys are gone. I won't see them again all my life. All I have is pictures on the wall and memories that fade. But I refuse to wallow. As I remember the pain, I remember the healing, all the way to my soul, which gives way to the joy, and I am left with an extra large portion of gratitude for the Savior. My cup truly runneth over.
For all of us remembering today, whether it be 9/11 or some other real personal tragedy in our lives, may our hearts be turned to the Savior and be healed.